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Ripping people off at garage sales is forbidden. The rabbi said it's Asur, along with Bernie asking questions. You can't sell your garbage and call it an antique, cause it's too old and has no use. It's called a faulty sale (Mekach Taot). We understand you don't want wicker chairs. That doesn't make them antiques. But no lying and saying it's better than plastic. The shul day camp was not a success. Just wanted to report something else the congregants did that wasn't successful, thanks to the board. We're cutting back the rabbi’s office hours. He offered to drink coffee with people in his office. That was a mistake, along with being the rabbi of the shul with this congregation. His caffeine levels are too high, as he’s developed a relative addiction. To help him wean off coffee, we’re cutting back office hours and meetings to a half hour a day. The rabbi also offered to drink tea, before we let him know that has caffeine as well. He didn’t know that. The Mountain Dew meetings have also stopped. He thought that was like Sprite. The board has decided to leave out all the names of ancestors from the Yizkor pamphlet, unless the family paid, as they figured that will offend people the most. The board wants everybody to know that death is only important if you donate it. Fulfilling the idea of stomping on Mitzvot, as Parshat Ekev tells us it's because of the Mitzvot we stomp on that we are rewarded as a people, the board and the new president want the members to know they're not important. The new president, who joined last year, decided to also charge entrance to Minyins, as people haven't paid dues. Shacharit is now a $15 entrance. If anybody doesn't pay for the right to say Kaddish, they will be bounced from the shul for heckling the performer, or Chazin. Rabbi Mendelchem’s Sermon Excerpts Shabbat Shalom My Congregants Who Sin... (Devarim 8:1) The Mitzvot are so that we will live and inherit the Land... You do stuff to get something in return... Nobody here has ever done a favor for anybody without hope of an inheritance. Why anybody says Hi to Bernie, Hymie and Fran... You haven't visited your mother-in-law, because Medicare took all of her money... You were trying to get a deal on the microwave and fan at the garage sale, Sarah. That's the only reason you smiled... (Devarim 8:2) We're told to remember the desert were we were afflicted and tested. I remember everything this congregation has done to me. The pain you've caused. I have been afflicted by a board... We were in the desert for 40 years. In harsh condition. That's how God sees if we're going to serve Him. He could've just had them spend a Shabbis with the members of Beis Knesses Anshei EMes ESefillah. If they were here with Bernie, Sarah, and the board, they would understand... Was Bernie in the desert?... Being your rabbi is harsh conditions. God knows I’m committed. It was harsh conditions. It was like camp... They were all living on bunk beds, Michael. The stuff they had wasn't as bad as the stuff you were selling at the shul's garage sale. If they would've had the stuff you were selling, that would've been a test... A black and white TV??!... The wicker is full of mold. The wicker was afflicted with Feldstein... You can get mold off wicker. Wicker attracts mold and the Feldstein affliction stays. Sell better stuff. Plastic doesn't get mold... Haggling with Bernie is a test. There was no board in the desert. That's the only positive. The Jews were tested, but not like me... Grandma Faye's broken lawn chair is not an inheritance.,, When things are hard... When we needed to set up for the annual dinner, you ran. When we you had to pay for your kids to go to the shul's camp, you ran. You even stopped coming when the shul realized you were only coming to see me for free coffee... The shul lobby was like a free Starbucks... Running because the board only cares about death. The president... The one sitting to my right... Yes you. Plaques and the Yizkur pamphlets are their inheritance. You can't take that away. They were afflicted with this generation. Give honor to those who are not with us anymore. H' protected us in the desert and He chastised us like a father chastises his son... Similar to the way Mark screams at Rafi. Yes. It's simple. Follow rules... I know that nobody here does. (Devarim 8:6) 'Guard the MItzvot of H' to go in His ways and to fear Him.' That's all you need to do... I chastise you, because the parents do nothing in this shul. They let the kids run around. This is why we go to Israel. To practice the Mitzvot and fear H.' It's moving back home... I know the Feldstein kids ran. I get it... No. Michael. You've got to get out of the house already. And same for you Reuven... Rachel's parents love having her at the home. That's different. She respects her parents and takes out the garbage... House rules. She follows them. And she even sold some of the garbage at the garage sale. (Devarim 7:17-21) 'Don't fear any of the nations'... When you practice Mitzvot you don't have to worry... We have to worry about the building fund, because nobody follows the rules here... Mitzvot are rules. Commandments are rules. We have shul rules that you don't push strolers through the shul... You put names in the Yizkur book. 'Be broken' are the words. You won't break me. It's in the desert that we learned not to fear. After being here, with this congregation, I fear no one... Why do you think I developed a caffeine addiction???! Dealing with... You will not break me. You do stuff because of a relationship. You trust in God. We built that relationship in the desert. And hence, we're ready for an inheritance. You trust, and you don't fear others... If you would've sent your kids to the shul day camp, they would know bad conditions. They would understand they have to give something to the relationship, other than ruining the shul's walls... The hallway is not a bouncy house. You smile at people because they're good to you... It's a relationship. I'm not talking about when they try to sell you wicker... You give deals at garage sales... You light up plaques and put people in the Yizkur pamphlets. They dealt with this congregation, and didn't break. Their inheritance is those plaques. That's our relationship with the past. Not with this president... It's a relationship. They paid their dues. They showed to Minyin. They respected their rabbi. They sent their kids to day camp. You sit with the rabbi. It's a relationship. You show up to day camp, to support. You don't rip off people with messed up bedding at a garage sale... It's not about the inheritance. You do it, and you will get the inheritance... If you need to pay for a plaque, you do it... I understand that you were trying to sell your inheritance at the shul's garage sale. Maybe if you remembered the desert, you'd smile at people and be kind... You don't need an inheritance from Mark... He's not even related to you... Smile at him, because it's a shul rule. It's a Mitzvah... Names go in the Yizkur books... It's a rule. And then people give money. If people just did their part... We had to skip four Aliyahs, because nobody did their part... I understand the president is now charging up front... You hit them up with envelopes afterwards. That's how you get their inheritance. Nobody goes up to the Torah for an Aliyah, to pay... The Jews show their commitment doing Mitzvot. Do those in harsh conditions and show your worthy of the inheritance. If you can practice Mitzvot around the heretics sitting in the back left of our shul... What do you do? How do you show your commitment, to be able to inherit this shul?... I’ve dealt with you. Rivka’s Rundown I think the rabbi was claiming the shul as his at the end of his sermon. He said he dealt with enough here, and that he keeps the Mitzvot. The rabbi looked at everybody and told them they will not break him. It was like he was sticking up to the bully. He turned to the president and reiterated that he won't be broken. The rabbi doesn't like the president. He says the president thinks he's running a business. He doesn't get it. Businesses don't have this much money. You have to be a nonprofit to have the money we have. He's firing people. He's charging for everything now. The president even went over to Sadie at Kiddish and told her, 'That Kichel will be three dollars. Rugulach are four a piece.' After dealing with the board, we know the rabbi is committed to the shul. The rabbi gave his sermon in three minutes. He talked real fast this week. I think the coffee is getting to him. The rabbi made it clear that his relative addiction is to caffeine and it's not an addiction to his relatives, as he doesn't like them well enough. The Mountain Dew meetings were a bit much. The garage sale was messed up. They wanted to sell a lamp for eighty dollars because it was their grandparents' lamp. They said it's in the same condition their grandparents gave it. Their grandparents broke it. We have to respect our ancestors. The rabbi made that part of his new charter. He called it the Torah. Having children that are the members of the shul now is an affliction they all suffered before they died. They deserve plaques. The rabbi gave the best fundraising advice. You do stuff to honor those who passed, you get rid of the president, and then they'll give the money. Then the shul ends up getting the inheritance. The Blog Tags Widget will appear here on the published site.
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It’s tradition to eat more fruit on Tu BShvat, to praise Gd for his creation and to walk around with an upset stomach.
February 2025