To donate and partner in Harbatzas spreading of Jewish Humor and Laughs.
[email protected], to partner in the Kibbitzer and the Jewish Humor Foundation. When you donate towards articles, you are invited to be part of the creative team in honor and memory of your loved ones, to choose the topic and style of the articles, to spread Jewish laughs. |
Dedication Options in Honor and Memory of Your Loved Ones
Harbatzas Funny Donation
$180 Dedication
Dedicate the Shabbat Kibbitzer Printout in memory or honor of a loved one. The Shabbat Humor Weekly includes humorous words of a Torah and comedic advice on Jewish life. Ahava DonationPartner and donate whatever amount you feel. You are spreading the word of Jewish funny.
No strings attached, your donation of love will be used to bring joy and unity, and a connection to Jewish living. |
Pirsomet Sponsor
Place your advertisement where laughter flows and Torah lives through humor.
Scribe Donation$360 Dedication
Dedicate an article for your loved one, and partner in spreading laughter. Chai Donation$1,800 Dedication
Chai, being life, is what you give when you share laughter. Helping all to find humor in their life, and to connect to it, you chose eight articles you want to dedicate in memory or honor of your loved one. |
Tractate Donation$6,000 Dedication
Thirty articles of funny are brought to the world in honor of your loved. You chose what to bring the world of Jewish humor. There are sixty-three tractates in the Talmud. We figure thirty is a number that sounds similar. Sefer Donation$12,000 Dedication
You bring the world a forty article series in honor of your loved one. You can turn the series you dedicated into a book for all to enjoy, for an extra $5,000 donation. |
Bihira Hofsheet DonationDedicate a special article, a series, a book, weekly comic strip. You chose your donation.
Contact us with any questions Lev Donation$32,000 Donation
Support the continued spreading of Jewish connection through humor. Laughter and joy is the heart of Jewish life. As an underwriter of joy, you receive a series of fifty articles, a show in your community from David Kilimnick, and a book in honor of your loved one. |
Article Options - for Single Articles and Series
Jews in the News - Jews and Israeli News Turned Funny
Sermons of Rebuke (in Weekly Shabbat Humor Handout)
Advice from the Rabbi
Adventures of Mikakel Kaleekaku (a good hearted ba'al Teshuva who loses his way in the religious community)
4 Questions with Danny
Mordechai's Pun of the Week
The Jewish Comic Strip
Interviews of Jews
Jewish Scenes
Rebbe Stories of Inspiration (what happens behind the scenes)
Topical Articles - articles from Israel to religion to Jewish style to family life
The New Wise Men from Chelm - Modern Stories of the Next Generation of the Wise Men of Chelm
Thoughts From Shmulik The Israeli, About Americans
Pshat on Torah - Funny Commentary on Torah and/or Jewish Law Text, based in Mussar
Rambam Halachot (funny overview and commentary, along with Musar)
Jewish History with teh Rabbi
Tanach in Review (Torah, Navi and the Writings chapter by chapter with funny overview and commentary)
Thoughts from a Waiting Room (Health and Healing Section)
Health and Healing Books - Rabbi Kilimnick's Book of Torah Inspiration
David's Jewlarious Anthology - Book of Multiple Comedy Articles
Photo Albums of Jewish Funny
May our loved ones all merit an Aliyas Nishama and the feeling of great love, with our dedications and the spreading of joy and laughter in this Olam.
Jews in the News - Jews and Israeli News Turned Funny
Sermons of Rebuke (in Weekly Shabbat Humor Handout)
Advice from the Rabbi
Adventures of Mikakel Kaleekaku (a good hearted ba'al Teshuva who loses his way in the religious community)
4 Questions with Danny
Mordechai's Pun of the Week
The Jewish Comic Strip
Interviews of Jews
Jewish Scenes
Rebbe Stories of Inspiration (what happens behind the scenes)
Topical Articles - articles from Israel to religion to Jewish style to family life
The New Wise Men from Chelm - Modern Stories of the Next Generation of the Wise Men of Chelm
Thoughts From Shmulik The Israeli, About Americans
Pshat on Torah - Funny Commentary on Torah and/or Jewish Law Text, based in Mussar
Rambam Halachot (funny overview and commentary, along with Musar)
Jewish History with teh Rabbi
Tanach in Review (Torah, Navi and the Writings chapter by chapter with funny overview and commentary)
Thoughts from a Waiting Room (Health and Healing Section)
Health and Healing Books - Rabbi Kilimnick's Book of Torah Inspiration
David's Jewlarious Anthology - Book of Multiple Comedy Articles
Photo Albums of Jewish Funny
May our loved ones all merit an Aliyas Nishama and the feeling of great love, with our dedications and the spreading of joy and laughter in this Olam.